“There’s two things everybody got to find out for theyselves: they got to find out about love, and they got to find out about living.” -Zora N. Hurston

Their Eyes Were Watching God star Halle Berry.

Their Eyes Were Watching God star Halle Berry.

There’s two things everybody got to find out for theyselves: they got to find out about love, and they got to find out about living. Now, love is like the sea. And it’s DIFFERENT on every shore. And living…
-Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

This quote says a whole lot by saying a little. No one can tell you how to live or love, we all have to experience those things for ourselves. It’s refreshing! Mom, dad, sister, brother, neither cousin, nor friend can live for us. The can tell you, if you let them but they cant do it for you. Ultimately you truly find out about living yourself.

At the end of the day you have to live for you. Live for you by you. And love, love hard, love good, love long, love strong, love daily, love freely, love truthfully, love faithfully, love honestly, love people, love you, love wildly, love unconditionally, love forever, love love love. Love how you know how to love. Love is the greatest gift on earth.